Self Portrait Challenge

May 3

Why yes, that is me, getting all down n’ dirty with some smelly laundry and two broken down ol’ washing machines that just happen to have been in my backyard. My bestest friend and partner in crime Inge Hooker, who’s lovely face I’ve not seen now for two full weeks, *sniff* issued a weekly self portrait challenge that would broach the distance between Korea-land and Thailand and give our photo skills a run for their money! And when I say a run I mean a painful long distance run that causes you to start wheelin’ and dealin’ with the power that be. So Sunday morning I grabbed my camera, a stool, and an old flip flop and headed out to the over grown backyard. Call me crazy, but there is nothing like weeds up to my eyeballs and piles of discarded treasure (aka junk) to make me feel right at home (I blame this on growing up in Indiana). So picture this; I’ve got the camera popped up with a wedged musty flip flop, on top of a stool, on top of an old rotten table…and there I am hopping like a deranged bunny rabbit onto two dirty ol’ washing machines, striking a dramatic pose, checking the back of the camera, shaking my head while muttering curses/instructions to myself, hopping back up to try again…and repeating the whole silly sequence over and over again. Not a special moment you want to share with a stranger…or a whole group of strangers…or even better, a whole group of MONKS. In the middle of one of my dramatic poses covered it dirt and sweat and thinking there was DEFINITELY a reason I am behind the camera and not in front, I looked to the heavens for a little guidance and found…a VERY entertained group of monks on the second floor of the building next door. I think as far as new neighbor introductions go, this one takes the cake. And this is only the beginning!

Keep tuned every Tuesday (ish) for more strange tales and self portrait adventures!

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  • Reply Inge Kathleen May 3 at 1:55 am

    Lovely, lovely, A great start to the season of self-portraiture! Maybe next time you can sequester the monks to help with your portrait. Perhaps they have a tripod? 🙂

  • Reply Mandy McConaha May 3 at 7:34 am

    Lol, I think if they had a tripod they would have hauled it out to capture video of my ridiculousness…

  • Reply Aaron May 4 at 4:04 am

    Beautiful shot 🙂

  • Reply eryan390 May 16 at 6:57 am

    wonderful portrait, and hilarious story, Mandy!

  • Reply Elizabeth May 23 at 1:43 pm

    Nathan just said “Gosh, if that’s where I had to do laundry, I would just give up. I wouldn’t do laundry anymore.”

  • Reply Mandy McConaha May 23 at 2:46 pm

    Lol, doubt he does it in the first place…poor Mrs. Morgan. 😉 But no, a sweet little lady down the street does my laundry, we just keep a collection of broken washers in the backyard.

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