
January 11
I had the phenomenal opportunity to spend Christmas at the foot of the ancient Angkor Wat ruins. We explored the huge complex, chasing the sunrise and scoping out the best place to be for the sunset. And then when we were exhausted and about ready to pull our hair out if we heard “Hey laaady, want sumting?” for the millionth time, we settled down for the MOST delicious fruit shakes at the Blue Pumpkin. Every Christmas I find myself in a different corner of the world, sharing a holiday with new shining faces and celebrating in new ways. This year I was at the Art orphanage where 27 Khmer children put together an incredible Xmas celebration with a lovely wee Xmas tree and balloons and a huge dinner. They were all smiles and laughter and happiness. Afterwards they held their very own ladyboy show and taught us to dance Khmer disco style around a chair in the center of the room. It was an incredible experience and I am honored to have spent this day with such wonderful people, yet again. I am truly blessed!

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