I’ve been doing a fun food photography project on the side for a cookbook I’m working on. Recently we mixed up some to-die-for Chimichurri sauce to go on our Fried Eggplant Salad. Of course I not only get to shoot lovely photies, but I also second as a trusty taste tester. This sauce made me weak in my knees!

Fried Eggplant Salad I Food Photography
Food photography has always been a tricky business for me. I remember in college we had food photo assignments and it would always stress me out. But for me now, I use some trusty components to help me get the results that I’m looking for:
- Beautiful natural light – find a lovely window, shoot on a overcast day or hang a diffusing cloth to achieve the soft light.
- Use a clean, neutral background (watch out for clutter!).
- Choose the angle the makes the food look the best, in these two shots I choose a high angle using the wood cutting board as the background.
More fun food photography tips and delicious recipes to come!
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