Morning light shines through the dingy windows as Jamie Norwood, 14, of Louisville Ky., rolls out of the bed she has shared her entire life with her mother. Jamie’s adolescent body is blossoming prematurely into womanhood as the growing shape of Ethan Allen Norwood creates quite a splash in her middle school classroom. She is a 14 year-old girl who over the next few months will make the journey from middle school to motherhood.
The richly diverse characters who attend the Annual Laconia Motorcycle Week in Weir Beach, Laconia, N.H., took time out of their day to sit in the over stuffed blue chair wedged amid a sea of colorful motorcycles and shared a piece of themselves answer the question, “Who are the individuals behind the tattoos, leather and growling machines?”
Tucked back in what the locals call a Kentucky “Hollar,” life moves slowly by in Susie Nobles and Cora Gilley’s small pocket of the world. The sisters have lived side-by-side for 30 years supporting each other through the hardship of widowhood, raising family, losing children and surviving cancer.