Daily Work, Photography
Climbing the Mountain! (Mountian Workshop that is)
The complex assembly of the Mountain Workshop began early Friday afternoon as a horde of Western labbies began spinning…
September 28 -
Daily Work, Photography
Oldies but Goodies
So I’ve been sifting through my photographs from the past year preparing for a CPOY entry and ran across…
September 21 -
Dwell /dwel/ live in or at a specified place think, speak, or write at length about (a particular subject,…
September 6 -
Daily Work, Photography, Portraiture
Olympic Dreams
The amazing Lori Duff (I miss you already!) came up with the idea of doing an Olympic portrait series…
August 29 -
Forever2Wheels – Laconia Motorcycle Week
Written and photographed for the Concord Monitor. For the full series, visit Forever2Wheels. The richly-diverse characters who attend the…
August 21 -
Daily Work, Photography
Belknap County Fair
I’m down to my last week here at the Monitor and I feel like this summer has been on…
August 11