Lovely Rainy Spring!

May 16

There are few things I love more than going out after a good rain with my camera hunting raindrop. The world is a glorious place after a misty rain seen through a macro lens. Rain drops and slugs taking naps on grass…sigh. I crept around my front yard, camera in hand, like a raindrop stalker. Lay in the cold, wet grass and completely in my own world. I’m sure my neighbors found it amusing. Heavenly, heavenly Spring! I have waited so long for you!

May has been a tough month already. It started of with snow. Yes, it snowed in May to my incredible happiness and joy (sarcasm).  And then it teased with warm, balmy weather and more snow…. It has been a month of heartbreak and growth. A month of finding that indestructible part of yourself and hanging on to it for dear life. There have been some notable moments in my life where intense joy and celebration comes immediately on the tail of intense sorrow and loss. This month has been a roller-coaster already. Spring is a time for rebirth and I’m ready for my new life to begin.

“I’m learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things that are not meant for me.”



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