Elmtree Pottery & Chamomile Connection

June 24

Elmtree Pottery
Richmond, Indiana

My sister makes beautiful things! Every time I go to visit she sends me home with another pottery piece that I treasure and think of her every time I use it. My favorites from this time is this new gorgeous little coffee holder. Every morning I smile opening its pretty lid to make delicious coffee! (which of course I drink out of one of her mugs!)  She also sent a pretty green, self-draining soap holder that I happily placed some of mom’s homemade lavender soap on. It’s sorts of a beautiful marriage. Oh and in case you aren’t convinced that my family is talented, the towel the soap holder is resting on is handwoven by Chamomile Connection (aka my mother). Some day my house will be full of these lovely handmade beauties! #lifegoals

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